天津 108-95 宁波
广厦 103-92 广东
青岛 102-99 北控
同曦 126-108 四川
辽宁 118-112 江苏
Liaoning's Zhao Jiwei played for nearly38 minutes, hitting six of his ten shots and making three out of seven from beyond the arc. He ended with a total of 15 points, along with two rebounds, eleven assists and two steals.
Zhejiang 131 -127 < STRONG >Shanxi< / strong > P >
Zhejiang ' s Yu Jiahao had an impressive performance in just over35 minutes , shooting nine times to score six baskets . His free throw accuracy was remarkable as he made ten out of eleven attempts , resulting in22 points , twelve rebounds , two assists , one steal and one block . P >
< STRONG >Beijing 106 -90 < STRONG >Shenzhen< / strong > P >
( Beijing ) Zhou Qi contributed significantly during26minutes by scoringseven basketsoutofnine attempts while also nettingone treyfromtwo triesand earningthreepoints at the linewitheightattempts ( three successful) totaling eighteenpoints alongsideseveneightrebounds assistingtwice stealingonce blocking once ).
北京/曾凡博 在33分钟内则体现出了他的实力,以12投7中的优异表现获得20 分外加9 个 篮 板 、 一 次 助 攻 和一 阵封 蓋 。
广州140—117吉林 强>
<总得 分&用 郭艾伦 的表现最为亮眼 ,他在31分钟前16 投 中取得神奇成果:其中包括六发 三 分 全 命及两击 免费 球。 他 整体 得 到32积分 + 五 榜 单 并 提供七assist与一steal .
最后,< br />山东111 —92福建 ; 山东 高诗岩 本 场 出 战30多 Minute 内仅成功 四 款 射门( 共 十二 )因此 收录 九点 与 四 曾数十 assist 壹 子 偷取。