"每个人都知道拜仁历史悠久,这家俱乐部在世界足坛拥有重要位置,每个人对此非常尊重。" 穆西亚拉说,“我已经在慕尼黑待了五年半,这里是我的家,我们生活得很愉快。如果不喜欢这里的话,我也不会呆这么长时间。”
< p >“小时候几乎一直穿着印有梅西名字的球衣,也曾经有一件内马尔名字款式,但梅西始终是我的偶像,是最爱的运动员。” p > < p >< strong > 关于头球能力: strong > p > < p > "这更多取决于站位,而非单纯练习头球。我现在更频繁进入禁区,新位置使这一切成为可能。我希望为那些简单进攻做好准备,从凯恩和穆勒身上学到了不少,包括视频训练课程。“另外,”穆勒告诉过我要好好运用自己的身高优势来打入头球。“” < / P > < P >< Strong > 比赛表现是否被低估? < / STRONG > P >Musiara回应道:“看起来比较简单,其实这样的评价就会低估了自己付出的努力。例如观看大量视频以及参加个人训练,提高射门技巧。此外,还积极去健身房锻炼,希望能够进一步提升自我是个更好的选手”。
Your weight changes:
I want to say that since I made my first team debut, I've gained about 6 to 7 kilograms. My upper body training has been less frequent; instead, I focus more on stability and leg strength training so that I can shoot with greater power and perform well in every match.
The topic of being frequently targeted or fouled during matches was raised: “I don’t consider myself the type who loses control on the pitch—at least that's what I hope for. Having experienced this from a young age makes me not worry too much about it. However, if things get out of hand, I'll inform the referee so he can issue yellow cards quicker; then opponents will have to restrain themselves somewhat.”
Bayern's Uli Hoeness' thoughts?:
“I’ve had several discussions with him already. Although I haven’t visited his home yet, I'm aware of how significant his words are within Bayern." He added,” So when he gives me positive feedback, it's particularly gratifying.”
Your goals at Bayern? :
"I would like to shape an era at Bayern just like Robben , Ribery , Muller , Neuer . If i renew my contract here that'll be one goal accomplished! But i also understand hard work is required - winning victories & trophies must precede achieving such status as well!"
If you could spend money watching legendary games live ? : {" "}
"Basketball-wise I'd love catching Curry’s Lebron James’ & Durant’s performances while regarding football- definitely willing spending cash seeing Messi Ronaldo alongwith Neymar!"